Time for everything

In a famous book, it says there that there should be a time for everything. Time to laugh, time to cry, to be angry and on it goes..
Wouldn't it be great if life came with a manual or guide book something like that, it would tell us what to do in case of sticky situations or crises in life. But the one who made us have so much faith in us, that he gave us a combination of friends, family, financial resources, Internet, some TV exposure and even cinema, and lastly to give us a more flexible and somewhat spicy mix, he gave the mother of all gifts, freewill.
There are a few moments or days where a human being would be forced to think thru all he had done, the decisions he made, the actions he took, opinions he expressed and where he stands in the present, than his own birthday.
They say we should look at life as a journey and not a destination.. well i'm glad the journey has been interesting to say the least. Hopefully a better and wiser man is getting there along the journey, enjoying life and also bringing joy to others..

Along the journey I go again, been talking/thinking too much already instead of enjoying the moments :)


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