Tank repair day!

We'll if i'm not such an impatient idiot i would not have to have this tank repair day,but.... wallowing on regrets are for the weak of mind. So let's move on...

I mistakenly:
a) Placed all my heavy bolters on one side of my tank! (wTF!!!!)
b) Placed one of my flamers upside-down! (Stone the fuc*%&^*^!!!)
c) Permanently glued one of my lascannon turrets (mother&$^%*&(@(@)
And these are just my MAJOR screws on my baneblade (and you'd think i would at least be cautious judging by the price of this mammoth tank! wrong!@ hahahahah)

I decided today I would:
a) Carve up my sponsons to free one each of the flamer(one glued upside down!) and one of the 'eavybolters. this way I would solve two problems with one sweep.
b) I saw my lasgun at the back of the main turret is gone/broken. So I simply installed the cargo bin, this covered the chopped up lasgun,prob solved. DONE.
c) Repainted the parts of the sponsons that are obviously damaged by my Xacto knife.
d) Primed up the cargo bin and installed it. Painting it with the camo too (first coat).
e) Glued a small plastic cube in between the heavybolters to strengthen them. Painted it black to make it less obvious and not form fit with the bolter assembly.

Repainting again later to finalize and varnish the tank.

Dangggg tank repair day, hopefully i would not have to do this often, it's tiring, heheheh.


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