Chapter 1.3 The fortress

As the message played itself for the fourth time, our captain made sure he had not missed any detail out of it, such is one of our strongest traits, caution should be observed in any dealings with daemons. We stopped battle spread in a small clearing, phalanx formation three terminator deep hull down.
A muted alarm went up in my holodisplay, the captain wants a private veiled vox tunnel opened, I open one of my channels and he immediately acknowledged.
"Brother Thorm, I have some thoughts we need to run through.." he said.
With my captain, "..some thoughts.." immediately followed by " through.." usually means mission caution and some quick battle plan changes, closely followed by trouble.
I simply responded "Let me hear it Sir, and I would do my best to share insight".
"Our astropath included a message note along with our latest communications that i initially filtered from you because I needed some more time to analyze it and make sure I phrase my plan well. I also want to draw up some quick adjustments to our plans for this mission.."
Hearing this I knew our latest estimates of the threat had gone up several notches, since my captain would not change battle plans that quickly without some initial assessments which would include several checks with our intelligence gatherers from the astropathic scans from orbit to the latest dispatches from the nearest Imperial battle groups prosecuting near star systems.


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