Warhammer 40K dynamics and the choices we make

Recently I noticed most people who are into warhammer 40K has these attributes:

a) Obsession: Can one have a 'healthy' obsession? Or any obsession is bad? Immersion in one's hobby or sport is clearly important,but when will it border into obsession.

b) Passion: This is normally substituted by individuals upset about the term obsession, they would just state being passionate rather than being obsessed. Though I must admit, something you have paid for dearly should be treasured and nurtured.

c) Race obsession: I observed this on players having an inordinate need to always use the same race or army when playing.
c-1) It's the only army they own, this is understandable the damnn figures are not that cheap, even the cheapest ones are not cheap! hahahaha
c-2) The army agrees with their style of play. Most people are overtly aggressive therefore they choose assault armies like Chaos and Nids or Orkies. While some people are laid back generals preferring to pound their enemies from afar.

d) Sick imagination: Sick here signifies powerful bordering on insanely focused. The sheer amount of fluff/stories on the w40K universe will blow the mortal mind to shreds. If one would delve into the huge selection of pocketbooks about warhammer 40 or fantasy, prepare to be overwhelmed. IT IS a hugeeeee collection. I guess the stories helped alot in forming the many ways of playing the game, the stories also helped in passing up the time, when friends are not available for battles :)

e) Extra budget: This should be a no brainer. The hobby requires a good grip on your finances or you would end up owning a sick amount of armies and then next thing you know, alot of your bills get tied up. DONT, always watch what you buy, this is a good lesson I'm still learning now, hahahahah. As a newbie on this game I have spent some money on units that would be too cheesy to field, oh well learning sometimes is indeed painful, thing is the lessons should stick or you would end up hurting again. Which is kind of stupid.

f) Time to unwind: People on all walks of life should have time like this. Else burn-out is just around the corner. Please remember to consider warhammer as a good past time, make friends and have a few laughs along the way. This would further strengthen your mind and center.

Some other things I might have missed. What makes a warhammer player a good player? Having fun clearly defines good players, this would differentiate them from players who just wanted to win always. It doesnt necessarily come with age,but rather a good mindset when approaching any game or pursuit in life.

These are just humble thoughts of a noob who intends to have fun with w40K,none other.


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