Titan updates..

Before heading for home,I thought I would just post some notes on my project.
Well the 'skeletal system' is going nicely,I just constructed the hip and leg assembly from PVC, and right now I'm planning to complete the plans for the 'spinal' and shoulders assembly again from PVC. My changes are that the body is no longer swiveling or moving at all since for me a moving assembly of heavy cardboard would take too much time for me figuring out how to secure it or make it stronger without adding too much trusses inside.
Thus I decided to build a more complete skeletal system to support the torso,but I had not figured out how to make it move without compromising strength.
Alongside the skeleton system build,I was also trying to finish the fortress assembly, which will be on top of the titan (it will look like it's 'carrying' the fortress on it's shoulders). The said fortress will house 4 titan weapons, two of which is detachable to transform it into another type of titan if ever the current configuration proved too powerful for some players! hahahahaha
Oh well Nuff talk, back to building my project.


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