First batch I bought for IG army

I call this initial purchase batch, as 'Chaos'. Hahahah!

1 Baneblade
5 Ratlings
1 Vindicare Assassin
1 Vostroyan sniper

*I bought the Bane, cause I liked the ungodly firepower. Though later on I discovered you could only play these badboys at a tournament play aptly named 'Apocalypse'!!!! whoahhh. My Bane is NOT allowed on normal non-APOC games,understandable,no? hahaha

* As for the snipers and assassins, I initially planned for a long range shooty IG army, turns out these sniper/assassin units have baggages a noob like me didn't know, ohhh boyy i really should have read them CODEXES!!!

Oh well, my second batch is even weirder than the first, stay tuned!


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