The rise of the noob general! Origins...

Sounds like an X-men movie,hehehe.

Well the warhammer (table top game,similar to Magic cards) bug bit me, and bit me HARD! I've been lurking ebay website shops from here to U.K. endlessly for two straight months now,looking for bargain deals on figures,vehicles and books!

I started out reading articles on the Net, and damnn it's aLOT to cover, I frequently visit this site: (best site for Warhammer gaming IMHO)

Learned alot from those guys participating at forums,howto's and tutorial articles.

And there I am, I chose Imperial guard to be my army (or so I thought, heheh more on this later). I then proceeded to do research and some downloads later,I decided to purchase some figurines immediately! (mind you, I had not read alot of codexes at this point, just some forums and watched local games played,don't know the rules yet and tournament play rules :) hahahaha)

As you will see later,my purchase patterns are noob by design... and so my epic journey moves on...


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