Local sites (philippines) for mini wargamers

I watched a pre -GT tournament at Robinson's Galleria (May 16). Met some gamers and their armies, and of course their gameplay. The mix of armies are also interesting :) cool painted figures and very very nicely made terrain. Got some useful info too bout sites where they gather:

mwph.tk (looks like a mix of ebay, some forums and chat room too! cool site)

http://101st-galleria-regulars.blogspot.com/ (informal blog bout the regular gamer group that frequent Galleria, thus the name, hehehe)

I have yet to test my army (errr yet to be completed army) on this group of Galleria regulars.

I'm waiting for most of the stuff I bought at ebay :( the ones that arrived are not even worth half of the point I needed to field and army.

Thus I wait... more waiting...


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