Stormbolt levels!!! hehehehe

Well I came up with this quirky excellence levelling/standards for the books I read in the warhammer universe.
1 stormbolt = for those pocketbooks/magazine/graphical book who have the warhammer brand/label story line etc. but it didnt quite give that spine tingling story telling style of the likes of Abnett. So it has the warhammer name but the story telling is bland and no effect whatsoever on my imagination.
2 stormbolts = for those pocketbooks/magazine/graphical book who have the warhammer brand again,but this time is a series and has that central theme,but a little slow on progressing and lots of characters but sparsely interesting in the storytelling area.
3 stormbolts = for those series type reads where the dead segments (the boring ones! hahaha) are sparse and few. Lots of gore but also lots of good story telling,like the Abnett type gods of warhammer universe of old! hehehe. Of course the central theme should always be there. From this level, there are also the general feel of ground level spine tingling feeling of actually being there and fighting side by side with the antagonists.
4 stormbolts = These are collectors items,MOST of books on this level are prejudiced towards the Abnett books, hehehe What can i say i'm a great fan of the man! Mind you, there are alot probably of good books out there that are not written by DA,i'm open to nominations!
5 stormbolts = The Abnett levels. Nuf said!

Note: I forgot to give my stormbolts for the first book of the Horus Heresy (Horus Rising by Abnett). I give it 4 stormbolts,I must admit it's not one of the greats by the master, somehow theres something it lacks, that something that gave the SAINT it's scary but damnn accelerating feel, that XYZ factor that would make you sleep with the book at nights and would pretty much dream of bleeding with the characters, THAT kind of feel. The book is good but not great,thats all.


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