
Showing posts from June, 2009

Landraider improvements update

Well I just bought these spanking new doors for my Landraider, from a member of a local warhammer 40K group, 100 Php for the three doors! sweet! Left side view: Right side view: I had not decided on the camo scheme for the LR yet,but I have decided on getting psycannon upgrade and smoke,now where do i find those..

Hail Michael Jackson! Artist worthy of the term.

Let's give our respects to one of the truly great artist of our time. It is in my generation when Michael Jackson reached his peak, watching him perform even thru the tube always gives one a sense of wonder watching a great artist make his moves and his voice delivers with such beauty,unmistakeably his legacy should be those music he made. I'd want to hear nothing else but respect to the man. May the emperor grant him peace.

Transformers 2 Revenge that had fallen! hehehehe

Heyyyyyy, about my last post, if you had observed,I merely painted over the old paints: a) For one thing, I don't know any safe paint stripping technique yet for plastic models. b) I got lazy, I didn't even try scraping it off, we'll I did think about it.but I saw it also damages the plastic, so nevermind I just sprayed over it. Hmnnn getting back to my title. How about that Transformer 2 movie??!!!! Yeahhhhhh!!! I really think Michael Bay redeemed himself quite a bit on this sequel, but alot of those "revolving" Head dizzying shots are still there, maybe he thought it adds to the drama, to me it's just freaking irritating. Oh well, the fight scenes rock, definitely worth watching. For a movie this size and this long (I think it's 2:45 hrs), I say this is 5 stormbolter levels!!! Yeah Autobots assault!!!!!

Landraider evolution

Here's how my landraider bought from ebay came to life! hehehe First, here's how she looks like when she arrived: Seeing this, now I felt good bout my painting! hahahaha We'll here's how she 'evolved' : Primed with Chaos black paint (I know it's not thorough here,but i corrected that) Next up, I gave it white on the top armor part and silver on the steel 'bracket' sourrounding the track sections: Here's the front view Still WIP,I would work on the barrels and the camo next, so check it out soon..

Baneblade 'repaired' pics

Here's the 'repaired' look of my bane: Side view showing her bolter at the back sponson and flamer up front Top view, showing both the bolters on back sponsons and flamers up front: Next? Is it advisable to varnish the tank?

Chapter 1.1 The fortress

Just a kilometer into the direction of the fortress. Captain ordered a halt to our advance to reassess our vox problems, electrical storm had eased out and Klion was ordered to power up our vox caster. Astropaths inform our battle barge "Shinano" currently orbiting Earthas, that an initial drone sent a decade ago on this system was mysteriously taken out of commision right after filing a bizarre report and a warning, a daemonic warning

Chapter 1 The fortress

I remembered the day we landed on this mudhole of a planet, it's raining that day, vision is down to 10meters, sensor range cannot determine obstacles due to a electrical storms of unknown origin that is constantly firing off in random places. It is not simply like a lightning on Old Terra, this storm affects psychic auras too as welll as normally shielded equipments, we suspect it is warp-charged and yet to be determined how to stop it if it all possible. Thus we advanced slowly thru the muck and the rain, our best estimate of where we are is that we are dropped 20 kilometers from our objective, a fortress we have to defend and retrieve a relic of which purpose our captain is not privy to. In the group, we are about a full thirty squads of terminators, Grey knight terminators. I guess that should have given me an idea of the importance of this relic we are to retrieve, since you don't usually send this many terminators on a single assignment, it is unprecedented. And yet here...

Plots for my Grey knights short stories

a) Lone Grey knight sent to investigate a mysterious radio source emanating from a long abandoned imperial fortress planet. b) A lone grey knight experiencing amnesia on an orc infested human colonial world. c) Wayward warp travel placed a squad of grey knights on a human planet trapped in the time of cowboys and indians. d) Love story between a grey knight and a eldar priestess (though i don't know if eldars have priestesses--hahahah) e) Last days of a fortress held by Grey knights,during a siege by a host of a thousand daemons. These are some of the possible angles i'm studying to layout my stories, i don't know how plots are to be arranged yet or if the stories would hold thru, hehehe. Anyway still brainstorming on the title, if the plot is already chosen of course.

Tank repair day!

We'll if i'm not such an impatient idiot i would not have to have this tank repair day,but.... wallowing on regrets are for the weak of mind. So let's move on... I mistakenly: a) Placed all my heavy bolters on one side of my tank! (wTF!!!!) b) Placed one of my flamers upside-down! (Stone the fuc*%&^*^!!!) c) Permanently glued one of my lascannon turrets (mother&$^%*&(@(@) And these are just my MAJOR screws on my baneblade (and you'd think i would at least be cautious judging by the price of this mammoth tank! wrong!@ hahahahah) I decided today I would: a) Carve up my sponsons to free one each of the flamer(one glued upside down!) and one of the 'eavybolters. this way I would solve two problems with one sweep. DONE. b) I saw my lasgun at the back of the main turret is gone/broken. So I simply installed the cargo bin, this covered the chopped up lasgun,prob solved. DONE. c) Repainted the parts of the sponsons that are obviously damaged by my Xacto knife. ...

Another 'army' picture, hehehe

I'm mighty proud of my GK termies, here they are again: I experimented with some japanese kanji on the shoulder plates, cool! huh.

My HUGE!!!! Grey knight army, hehehe

Army? where?????? hahahaha! We'll if you would count a grandmaster and his retinue,plus a lone GK dreadnought an army, yeah I do have an army! hehehe Here's a pic of my GK 'army': I have no plans for the bases yet, I guess i'd simply color them in my IG army camo scheme, haven't made up my mind yet.

Tank conversions and my GK grandmaster :)

Trying my hand on tank conversions, my photo's here are the current Baneblade painted via madman, hehehe. And the latest creation, my new Leman russ eradicator! yey! here are the pics for your viewing pleasure: The one on the left is the eradicator of course (the mountain of steel on the right is of course the bane! hahaha): Next here is my grandmaster w/ a converted psycannon! yessss amateur hands rules! hehehe: Grandmaster Attila surveying his tanks...

Been busy with Grey knight painting

Reason why i had not posted anything here yet is that i'm trying my darnest to paint my grey knights well, i don't want good enough i wanted it to come out really well! So I will post them pictures when the time is right. Hopefully the knights will come out as awesome as they are in boxed set pictures and pocketbooks! heheheh Wish me luck and skill! heheheh and make my hands worthy painting the greys..

Baneblade photo shoot! updates!

Well I added silver on the guns, some barrels on the Russes and the spikes at bane's front armor. Next should be weathering, though I'd like to delay that as long as possible and practice first on the Russes, hehehe. Nuff said, here are the pics: Here are the bane's retinue, hehehe (i wish it's possible,structure point damage can be spread and bane's are allowed to allocate on Russes, hahahaha) . Nothing much had changed cept the silver on the barrels are repainted. Next i'd also try painting the gunner dude and the GK logo on top of the dragon shadow near the bane's front.

Updates on my baneblade and company painting madness!

I blackened most of the weapons and added more layers to the white parts. Next update some silver should be visible :) My next update may also have some weathering too, but I don't really know what the heck am i doing here so... Maybe I'd research a bit on that weathering stuff and hopefully the tanks would come out as weathered and not looking like a nurgle infested tank (hmnn maybe they already do right now! hahahahaha).

Some humor, never hurts the Crusade! hehehe

Well I'm browsing forums bout painting ( I think ). Then I came up on this funny( though really cool-looking mother*^&^*@#@) looking pic, the guy swears this is used in an actual game: He called it: orkamus prime! hahahaha dangggg cool conversion man.

Some more pics, of the tanks :)

I made up the camo scheme, i dont know if there are similar patterns out there, any way this is still not finished, I estimate three more passes each of black, bolt gun silver (or mithril) and then I'd try weathering (hahahah I think i'm making it uglier with all my mad scientist color schemes):

Warning: Amateur painting photos ahead, might hurt your eyes! lolz

Hehehe, I just could not help it but try my hand at painting my tank, heck it's mine so I could experiment, right? Well I dont care either if it's pretty or artistic, what the heck they're machines of WAR so it's not supposed to be pretty. Well here are the pics (my first time to paint, so be kind please, hehehe): some of my baneblade's friends(this is most of my army,missing in the pic is a Valk and a squad of GK termies--Thats my army for now, no HQ yet): In the pic is my mostly unpainted army, hehehe. Butt ugly camo,i know! lolz

Some interesting W40K sites

I was searching for a..... errr something important. When I came up with this site instead, it's a funny description of the Warhammer universe, game hobby and everything under the warhammer sun! I dare anyone to find a funnier W40K site! hahahaha Here's the link:,000

Happy Independence Day Philippines!

Yes, it is the independence day of the Philippines. May more and more filipinos recognize the importance of belonging to a proud country of resilient and resourceful heroes. May we further be blessed in making our own way on this world, Filipinos! land of proud and life-surviving free men and women. Mabuhay!

Just got some inexpensive paints and a Russ!!!! yeah!

Well I had not resisted the urge, the urge to paint :) sooooo I bought around 8 pots of inexpensive acrylic paints, hehehe I dont really know how to mix and match paints yet, so I just chose colors most likely to be used like metallic silver and gold. Some colors I think would most likely serve as colors for the troops like deep red or dark blue. Anyways I'd post my progress as soon as I make time for the actual painting session :) What else, I have bought a second hand Leman russ battle tank! yeah! bringing a total of three Russes for me, hehehe a squad of battle tanks.

My Valkyrie and GK terminators arrived!!!

Haha!! My ordered IG Valkyrie and a squad of Grey Knight Terminators have just been liberated from the post office, they actually arrived last week! Yehey!!! heheheeh Im soo excited looking at them awesome boxes, the majestic Valkyrie and the tough as old truck tire GK terminators in their boxes just waiting for me to liberate them... Alas I realized, it is not time yet. I do not have the equipment to give them proper worship, errrr I do not have paints yet. Plus all the other stuff I need like magnets for the Valk and some equips like a Magnifying glass for the painting stuff. Oh well, decision is that my Valk and the termies will stay boxed for now, while I try and get some equips as soon as I can.

Amateur story on my GK army, hehehe

I've been mulling over the possibility of writing short stories :) heheheh. Don't know if it's a good time spent on my part, but the lack of other sources than Black library. Prompted me to give it a try. Anyway who would give a rat's ass if it's good or not right? hehehe I'd try writing a short story,probably only some 50 or so pages, err maybe shorter. Anyways, it would cover GK's and the mighty machines of IG. Stay tuned on this, might unto something here, hehehe.

Grey knights and their baggages

Why the title? Been around forums and most of the opinion against GK is their: a) Low unit count = Yes,I see this as a minus initially,but the reason could be is that the GK are like their SM brothers, ELITEs! they have quality in their people sometimes more refined than their already elite SM brothers. In battle I see them held back and shooting for all their worth till they run down the numbers and run them down some more. b) low AT skillz = Yes, I knew this when I see they have little Lascannon weapons! hehehe. Therefore the GK army needed dreads and landraiders, the more the merrier. Also stack up on psycannons as well, we needed those long range shooty weapons, again the MORE the merrier!! WAGGHHHHH (errr, Ahermnnn definitely not a GK yell! hahahahaha) c) low close combat skillz = this I needed battle field confirmation, it's a toss coin. Since GK's are elite SM units, i'd expect good CC skills there, plus they have those awesome halberds which look really nasty in CC....

Baneblade shots, primed for battle!

Just want to show off my baneblade "Devil's Advocate", for the Emperor!!!

Additional units for my IG =I= GK army

Just bought: 1 Land raider (terminus?) About to buy: 1 Leman Russ battle tank My army seems to be shaping up good, just need to slowdown for a while and soak up some more fluff, hehehehe. I love my IG! hehehe of course reinforced by the mighty Grey Knights! yessss!!!!!! Oh well, long time to come if my army were to do battle with anyone, since my spending officially stops with the acquisition of the Leman Russ. thats it. My next buying stint would be sometime in November or December (extra money willing, hehehe).

Reading up on codexes and more books! hehehe

Well I'm up reading on codexes and more warhammer books: Codexes I read so far, though I have yet to apply the knowledge :) : 1) Daemonhunters 3e 2) Imperial Guard 5e 3) Warhammer rulebook 5e Book I'm reading now? It's "Brothers of the snake" by Dan Abnett, I'll post my informal review once I'm done. So far I'm 25% into the book,it's shaping up to be a 3 stormbolter type, but it might get better, after all it's an Abnett novel, hehehe.

Current army list: My IG Beasts

1 baneblade w/ 4 sponson (plus turret w/ 4 lascannons) 2x twin-linked heavy bolter,2x twin-linked heavy flamer,autocannon, heavy stubber, demolisher cannon and lastly las pistol. Of course the battle cannon (or is it mega battle cannon?) 2 Leman Russ battle tanks each with two sponsons w/ heavy bolter and plus one heavy bolter at hull 1 GK Dreadnought w/ psycannon and missile launcher 1 squad GK w/ power armor 1 squad GK terminators 1 squad ratlings 1 vindicare assassin 1 vostroyan assassin Thats it :) hehehe I have yet to buy a troop unit and a HQ unit for my IG army, plus a chimera and probably one more Valk. Money-wise willing, hehehe.

Naming my baneblade? are you insane?

Yes I did. His name is "Devil's Advocate", hehehehe.

Baneblade built in 3 days! nyahahahaha

Well I received my baneblade order from an ebay seller, and excitedly built it. Being a novice modeler I made some errors on the sponsons and the weapons: a) I placed the twinlinked bolters and flamers without glue! stupid! b) I placed BOTH the bolters on one side! and consequently the flamers on the other. c) I placed one of the flamers the wrong way, now it's lower than it's brother! Like firing your gun with the handle higher than the barrel,get it? Duh Damnn, its the most expensive piece of my IG army, cant just throw the damn thing, warts and all, it looks awesome, hehehe. Took me three days work on it,including putting primer. Well thats just about most of the work I could put in it. Cant buy the paint set yet :)