Chapter 1 The fortress

I remembered the day we landed on this mudhole of a planet, it's raining that day, vision is down to 10meters, sensor range cannot determine obstacles due to a electrical storms of unknown origin that is constantly firing off in random places. It is not simply like a lightning on Old Terra, this storm affects psychic auras too as welll as normally shielded equipments, we suspect it is warp-charged and yet to be determined how to stop it if it all possible.
Thus we advanced slowly thru the muck and the rain, our best estimate of where we are is that we are dropped 20 kilometers from our objective, a fortress we have to defend and retrieve a relic of which purpose our captain is not privy to.
In the group, we are about a full thirty squads of terminators, Grey knight terminators. I guess that should have given me an idea of the importance of this relic we are to retrieve, since you don't usually send this many terminators on a single assignment, it is unprecedented. And yet here we are...


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