My Valkyrie and GK terminators arrived!!!

Haha!! My ordered IG Valkyrie and a squad of Grey Knight Terminators have just been liberated from the post office, they actually arrived last week! Yehey!!! heheheeh

Im soo excited looking at them awesome boxes, the majestic Valkyrie and the tough as old truck tire GK terminators in their boxes just waiting for me to liberate them...
Alas I realized, it is not time yet. I do not have the equipment to give them proper worship, errrr I do not have paints yet. Plus all the other stuff I need like magnets for the Valk and some equips like a Magnifying glass for the painting stuff.

Oh well, decision is that my Valk and the termies will stay boxed for now, while I try and get some equips as soon as I can.


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