Transformers 2 Revenge that had fallen! hehehehe

Heyyyyyy, about my last post, if you had observed,I merely painted over the old paints:
a) For one thing, I don't know any safe paint stripping technique yet for plastic models.
b) I got lazy, I didn't even try scraping it off, we'll I did think about it.but I saw it also damages the plastic, so nevermind I just sprayed over it.

Hmnnn getting back to my title. How about that Transformer 2 movie??!!!! Yeahhhhhh!!! I really think Michael Bay redeemed himself quite a bit on this sequel, but alot of those "revolving" Head dizzying shots are still there, maybe he thought it adds to the drama, to me it's just freaking irritating. Oh well, the fight scenes rock, definitely worth watching.
For a movie this size and this long (I think it's 2:45 hrs), I say this is 5 stormbolter levels!!! Yeah Autobots assault!!!!!


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